Past articles from: Space and Security News

Past Articles
Sep 25, 2005  veterans day
Sep 24, 2005 Support Our Troops
2005 Jesus Society
Oct 25, 2003 rally: Speech text
letter from Dr. Bowman to the President of the United States about Terrorism . 
1998 - President Clinton
2001 after the 9/11 attack - President Bush 

Recent News:
Letter Re Ed Asner & 9-11
Oct 25, 2003 "Wake Up, America!"
Feb 15, 2003 "Peace Is Patriotic"
March 15 Rally Text 
2003 State Of Union
2003 State Of the Union (short)  
1992 State of the Union Address 
Sep 2002 Why War With Iraq?
Aug 17, 2002 (Humor) veteran & GW Bush  
Feb 2002 The ABM Treaty: Dead or Alive? 
Jan 2002 Denver Catholic Register
Sep 20, 2001 TERRORISM: Long and Short
Sep 27, 2001 Star Wars/War on Terrorism  
Bishops against Bush's Star Wars II.  
Jun 10, 2001 Lthree months before 9/11
Articles from S&SN available so far are as follows:
Nov 2005 Take Back America   
Apr 2005 Religion and Politics   
Nov 2004 DU and Birth Defects  
Nov 2004 Not Star Wars  
Nov 2004 The Task Ahead  
Nov 2003 No More Elections? 
Nov 2003 VeteransDay 
Nov 2003 What Really Happened on 9/11
Nov 2003 Some Dare Call It Treason
Nov 2003 Conservative Challenge to Bush 
Feb 15, 2003 Peace Is Patriotic Rally Against War Sep 2002 Why War With Iraq? 
Feb 2002 The ABM Treaty: Dead or Alive?  
Sep 2001 early analysis of 9/11
Mar 2001 George II / Star Wars II. 
1998 "The Truth About Terrorism
Dec 97 Global Warming
May 17, 1997 Make A Difference
Mar 96 Failure Fuels Cassini
(Humor) Nuclear Terrorism
1975 (humor)stabilize weapons industry
From Fighter Pilot to Peacenik Bishop
1996 Tax Reform and Class Warfare
Feb 1992 A People's State of the Union

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by Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret.

By continuing to use depleted uranium (DU) armor and munitions, the Bush Pentagon is waging radiological warfare against the unborn and indeed against all unborn generations.

By now most people know that DU has damaged tens of thousands of our own troops and caused soaring cancer rates in target populations, including the people of Iraq, Kosovo, and Afghanistan. Over 130,000 veterans of the first Gulf War have been declared “unfit for service” because of medical conditions which independent scientists and physicians connect to exposure to depleted uranium.

What is less well known is the staggering rate of birth defects in the children of the veterans of these wars. The British are reporting rates as high as 65%. It seems that breathing in the radioactive dust from exploded DU shells not only causes decapacitating illnesses, but massive genetic damage as well.

The use of DU was started by the first President Bush and continued by Clinton. Both could plead ignorance. But now the data is in. We know better. The continued use of over 2,000 tons of this toxic and highly radioactive substance in the current Iraq War is inexcusable.

The result will be countless civilian casualties, tens of thousands of our own troops with respiratory problems, kidney damage, cancers, muscle damage, and other debilitating conditions, and thousands of stillbirths and birth defects. It is particularly ironic that this is being done by a supposedly pro-life administration.

We sincerely hope that this barbaric practice (which violates humanitarian law and the Geneva conventions) will be halted by the next president, and that the United States will take the lead in the difficult task of cleaning up the radioactive debris and dust it has spread over much of the Middle East. And let’s NOT give the contract to Halliburton!


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