"I envision an America that leads the world, not with military force, but with its vision, its compassion, its democracy, its freedom, its standard of living, its care for the global environment, its treatment of its own people, and its goodness. It is an America whose government serves the needs of the people, not the greed of multinational corporations and their K Street lobbyists. It is an America in which elected officials, at all levels, see their offices as a chance to serve their fellow Americans, not as an opportunity to line their own pockets. It is an America in which every person (regardless of their race, creed, color, age, or sexual orientation) is valued and lives in dignity, every person is cared for, every person is free to choose his or her life partner, and every person is free to reach his or her full potential.
"It is an America in which every family can be supported by one wage-earner with one job paying a living wage. It is an America in which single parents can freely choose to stay home to care for their children or to work outside the home knowing that their children are taken care of in a safe and nurturing environment. It is an America in which health care (including dental care, vision care, hearing care, long-term care, home health care, and prescription drugs) is provided to all as a right. It is an America in wh
ich education is freely available to all, including university, graduate school, medical school, law school, and whatever advanced education the person can successfully handle, and in which educators (including those at the pre-school, elementary school, and high school levels) are highly valued and financially compensated accordingly. It is an America in which policemen, nurses, poets, firefighters, teachers, and garbage collectors can afford a good house in a nice neighborhood and live in comfort along with scientists, brain surgeons, CEOs, rock stars, and basketball players. It is an America whose borders are secure, immigrants are legal, and workers are amply rewarded. It is an America in which faith is respected, culture is preserved, the arts are supported, and the Constitution is followed.
"Above all, it is an America at peace with the world and with its own people. That's the kind of America our people deserve, and that's the kind of America a Citizens' Congress can build. When I get to Washington, with your help, that's the kind of America I will pursue."
-- Dr. Bob Bowman, May, 2006